Thursday 17 March 2011

RylandSD101's Movie/Book Collection

I just uploaded a video to YouTube, so as always, because it involves film, I'm uploading it here. In this video I basically just show off my movie and book collection. Please notice how more than half my books are to do with film.
That just shows how obsessed I am. Cause I am.
Ya, so whatever. Please enjoy and pay attention.
Jokes. Kidding! God. No sense of humor.
Oh yes, and mind what I stated in my last blog post, that I would really appreciate it if I was to find more followers on my blog. You can follow if you don't have Blogger you's great. So I expect to see more followers! Oh yes, and please feel free to vote on what I should do next. The poll is just on the sidebar, only two votes have been made yet, for me to keep doing what I'm doing, and for me to write more movie reviews.

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