Saturday 12 March 2011

The Oscars 2011

Okay, is it me, or did the Oscars do a great job this year? Well, ok, they did a good job, but not a great one. What I an just so happy about is that The King's Speech won Best Picture!
I didn't stay up late enough to watch the whole thing, but I went to bed happy after seeing The King's Speech win Best Original Screenplay. After then I missed what else it won. The next day, one couldn't imagine how happy I was when I was told that the King's Speech won Best Director (Tom Hooper), Best Actor (Colin Firth), and Best Picture. I literally jumped into the air and screamed with happiness. However, it happened to come as a shocking surprise that it won.
As many film-fans know, The King's Speech was almost in a death-battle with The Social Network for Best Picture. It seems like TKS (the kings speech) had been incredibly successful at the beginning (winning numerous Golden Globe awards) but then was faded out by the immense shadow of The Social Network. From then on, it seemed like TKS's chance of winning was becoming lesser and lesser - until it took home the most rewarding award a film can get.
And I think we all know that the films The Fighter, 127 Hours, Black Swan, Inception, The Kids Are All Right, and especially Toy Story 3 weren't going to win. The award was, from the start, between The Social Network and The King's Speech.
Since I have yet to see The Social Network, The King's Speech was my number one coice, but don't worry all you Social Network fanatics, I will see it soon, and my oppinion may change.

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