Thursday 31 March 2011

My Email

I would just like to point out that I am not a primitive freak and I do have an email account. So please, if you have something to say or any questions or crap like that, feel free to email me at! I like getting emails and I have alot of time on my hands to, so I swear I will email back.
Your true blogger,
Ryland :)

Saturday 19 March 2011

The Ring (2002)

Today, I had some friends over at my house so I could show them the horror movie, The Ring. When I say The Ring, I'm not talking about the original J-Horror flick Ring (Ringu), I'm talking about the Gore Verbinski 2002 U.S remake. Now that I have seen it again, I can write an accurate review of one of my top favourite horror films. Scary just isn't the right word.
It is said to be an urban legend, a video tape that kills the watcher seven days after watching the tape. When 4 teenagers who all watched the tape together on the same night die puzzling deaths (heart stopping for no apparent reason) a week later, news reporter Rachel Keller (whom also happens to be the aunt of one of the dead teenagers) watches the tape, and has seven days to live, she sets out to uncover the mystery of the tape.
Like I said, scary isn't the right word. The film is scary, but also severely disturbing, horrifying, suspenseful enough to kill you (or at least make you want to hide under a blanket) and depressing, with a Twilight-esque theme and killer scary music, using no gore at all. It will make you scream, without intestines spilling or head drilling.
Niomi Watts has a determined spirit, and plays it out perfectly. Protecting her son (though not working) whom seems to be in kahootz with the ghost of the little girl (not going to give anything away) from the tape and trying to find out what the nightmarish tape means can prove difficult.
This is a must watch for all horror fans. You will be scared...believe will be scared.

Best Films Ever #4 - Schindler's List

This is another Best Films Ever montage I uploaded to YouTube a while back, and this time it is for my top favourite film, Schindler's List.
The film takes place during the holocaust, and is the story of Oskar Schindler, a member of the Nazi party who saved over 1,100 Jews by hiring them to work in his factory. Filmed in stunning black and white, this film is bound to make you cry, either through the scenes of evactuation in Krakow, or the ever so depressing ending which I will not say.
This is a must see for all movie fans, and even people who aren't.

Thursday 17 March 2011

RylandSD101's Movie/Book Collection

I just uploaded a video to YouTube, so as always, because it involves film, I'm uploading it here. In this video I basically just show off my movie and book collection. Please notice how more than half my books are to do with film.
That just shows how obsessed I am. Cause I am.
Ya, so whatever. Please enjoy and pay attention.
Jokes. Kidding! God. No sense of humor.
Oh yes, and mind what I stated in my last blog post, that I would really appreciate it if I was to find more followers on my blog. You can follow if you don't have Blogger you's great. So I expect to see more followers! Oh yes, and please feel free to vote on what I should do next. The poll is just on the sidebar, only two votes have been made yet, for me to keep doing what I'm doing, and for me to write more movie reviews.


OK, so to start off, I have noticed a great increase in views for my blog (thank you Facebook) which means that I will keep posting to kill my time, and to kill yours.
First of all, I see only two people have taken notice of the poll I added to my profile, and I'm not very happy with that. Kidding. I'm fine with that, I didn't expect any votes anywho. So, if your reading this, please vote on the poll! Unless I see votes I won't know what I'm doing wrong with my site. I don't care what you vote for, JUST VOTE.
Thank you.
And thank you Blogger, for solving my main problem - following.
Now, with the fantastic work of Blogger, you don't have to be a member to be able to follow! Bravo! So, now you people that don't have blogger, FOLLOW! Please, once I get 1 or 2 followers, more will notice and eventually come. And you know what that means? It causes a happy Ryland. But do you know what I'm like when I'm angry? No. You don't want to know.
Ha. I'm scary eh?
Okay, back to the point. Please vote on my poll, and please follow by email! Like I said, if I see a follower, I will make more and more posts and it will motivate me to design my blog to make it better.
So to summarize everything, votes + followers = happy Ryland.

What I took when I saw 101 views!

Best Movies Ever (Not Mine)

Okay, so this is just some YouTube videos I came across showing the top movies ever. Just for the record, the oppinions expressed do not necessarily express the oppinions of Ryland. So just enjoy (these videos are not mine!).


Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Social Network

So remember my post on the 2011 Oscar awards, and how glad I was that The King's Speech won? I also said that I would watch The Social Network to really say who should have won.
My oppinion has changed.
The Social Network is brilliant, above all. Its other characteristics are haunting, amazing, thrilling, edge-of-your-seat, musical, and dramatic. Everything about it is just pure genius. But does it surpass The King's Speech? We shall decide...
On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications. In other words, Mark gets sued for millions of dollars.
So, lets start off on the acting. Everyone did a good job, in my oppinion. The acting wasn't superb, it was good (the role of Best Actor going rightfully to Colin Firth for The King's Speech). Good part on everyone.
Now something totally different: the music. There seemed to be a lot of music involved in this film. It was surreal, above all. Every composition or ethereal piece had a different emotion, almost feeling like it had come from something...extra-terrestrial. Gladly, the award went to The Social Network for best music. However, before seeing the film, I was sceptical about The Social Network winnning that award, as the example that was given at the Oscars wasn't a good one. But whatever, it won that, and it rightfully should have.
The cinematography...whew. The camera works and positions, the feel of the film and the image was all so (and I repeat) ethereal. It gave off a surreal feeling that I have rarely ever seen in films (2001: A Space Odyssey, thats about it). So, not only does the brilliant director David Fincher (Panic Room, Alien3, Se7en, Fight Club) get recognition, but every single person that worked on the film must get recognition, because the things that we usually see small in a film are big here (music, cinematography, photography, etc.) and shinejust as much as the most noticed do.
So, as a conclusion, The Social Network and The King's Speech were equal runners for Best Picture, they both deserved it. And though the Oscars made a fantastic choice, they might need to consider giving out 2 Best Picture awards, just in case something like this ever happens again.

Monday 14 March 2011

My New Blog

I have created a new blog! yeep, a new blog.
Oh ya.
I love horror.
So basically, my new blog has everything that this blog has - except it`s all horror. I think it will be a success! I`ve already posted a YouTube video promoting my blogs...hopefully that video will prosper.
So check out the blog here:



Answer here

The Worst Film I Have Ever Seen

So I have just made another blog for a more select audience, horror fans. So if you're interested in horror film, please go to the link here:
Ok, on to the subject.
Friday the 13th. GOD I HATE THAT MOVIE! Personally, I do not know why it got the reputation it did! It wasn't good! The plot sucked, the scares sucked, the acting sucked, and except for the special effects, EVERYTHING SUCKED! Yay! Let's watch some teenagers drink, "do it", and then get killed! What fun! Then again, not everyone is a mature movie-goer. But it does irritate me when people only watch films to see action or gore or sex, and only judge a movie by those 3 characteristics themselves. Ya, alot of things get me angry.
But I do have to give credit to 2 things in the movie: the death effects, and the last scene. The makeup is fantastic. They almost make the deaths seem real! Congrats! And the last scene did creep me out a little, in which the body of Jason leaps out of the water to grab an unsuspecting victim sleeping in her canoe. That was ok.
But don't get me wrong, the rest sucked.
And I know that some people are going to hate me for this, but Friday the 13th should never be even close to the top 100 horror films.

Best Films Ever #3 - The Exorcist

So, this is the third Best Films Ever film montage I have made. Before you watch, if you want to see more, you can check out my YouTube channel at, which I upload the video and not long after upload the video to my blog.
On with the film. The 12 year old daughter of an actress becomes sick, so the mother takes her to the doctor, in which the daughter (Reagen) violently swears at the doctor (get your hands away from my c**t) Soon, after witnessing Reagen rise mysteriously from her bed into mid air, and another scene in which Reagen stabs herself repeatedly in the groin with a crucifix while yelling "Let Jesus f**k you!", the mother decides that she is more than sick, and calls in an Exorcist.
Quick fact, at the time when The Exorcist was in theaters, it was required that 3 ambulances must be outside every one, as people were fainting from the shock. In other incendences, big name news channels (CTV) stood outside and interviewed people who had just finished the movie, asking questions about its scariness and so on.
Though a lot of people are not fond of horror films, no one can argue that fact that The Exorcist has a reputation that no other film can ever dream of beating, along side the fact that it is just plain a masterpiece.

Paranormal Activity 3?!

Oh. My. God!
Searching over one of my favourite sites, IMDB, I came across Paranormal Activity 3, which apparently is in production! So, I am going to try and figure out what it is going to be about.
But it's gonna be hard, because P.A took place in late 2006 with Katie and Micah, and P.A2 took place in early 2006 with Katie's Sister and her husband as a prequel. It also happened to have a 12 year old girl (or 13), a dog, and a baby. At the climax, P.A2 continues number one, and the possesed Katie with blood on her shirt steals the baby. So, there is practically no room for a sequel right now, unless the whole P.A3 shows where Katie went, but that would be crap, because this is a horror film, not a sappy adventure film.
Do you know what that means? That Paranormal Activity 3 is most likely going to be another prequel.
Ok, so this poster sais different. Oren Peli, director of #1 and producer of #2 sais that P.A3 should be out in theaters Halloween 2011. So I guess they are more than in production. I can actually now see P.A3 being really good! I did really want to know where Katie went after watching P.A2 in theaters, so this is going to be really exciting for me! Hopefully, it is good.
I'm too lazy to write what I think is going to happen, so you can, in the comments!

Sunday 13 March 2011

2001: A Space Odyssey

I have taken notice that every time I post something, the amount of views for my blog goes up. So unless that is a glitch or if more people view whenever I post, I'm just going to keep posting.
So anyways, last night I rented the timeless classic 2001: A Space Odyssey. I'm only 12 years old (going on 13) and want to be a filmmaker, and I know I can't do that unless I study (watch) the classics and masterpieces (The Godfather, Titanic, Schindler's List, 2001: A Space Odyssey, etc.). So, as I have always wanted to do, I rented 2001.
I was not dissapointed.
Even before I rented I was afraid that I might turn it off half-way through, because I knew it was a slow movie (though that never really bothers me). It was slow, let me tell you, but that is what makes the film a masterpiece, remembered as one of the greatest films ever, and one of the neglected in its time. However, this is not a film to watch if you want to know the meaning of everything in the movie. This film is very...confusing. Stanly Kubrick did a fantastic job using metaphores and symbols to represent something. However, though there are many theories on 2001's true meaning, we may never know, as Stanly Kubrick said that he would never reveal the true meaning (and he's dead now, don't get your hopes up). In fact, this film has almost more theories that any film ever made.
When the world is ruled by apes, one particular group discovers a mysterious rectangular monolith near their home, which imparts upon them the knowledge of tool use, and enables them to evolve into people. 4 billion years later, a similar monolith is discovered on the moon, and it is determined to have come from an area near Jupiter. Astronaut Dave Bowman, along with four companions, sets off for Jupiter on a spaceship controlled by HAL 9000, a revolutionary computer system that is every bit humankind's equal--and perhaps its superior. When HAL endangers the crew's lives for the sake of the mission, Bowman will have to first overcome the computer, then travel to the birthplace of the monolith.
The film is haunting and stunning. The special effects are way ahead of their time (1968) and makes the audience feel like the film was made in the late 90's. The climax is the most captivating, but I cannot reveal, because that would ruin the expierience.
What also makes this film so great is its mix of genres. It includes horror, humour, suspense, ballet (I know, you'll understand when you see the film), drama, science fiction, even romance (the relationship between mankind and their tools reflects a sadist romance: romance between a killer and his gun, between a doctor and his needle, between a schoolboy and his pencil).
The acting, oh lord, the acting. Never in a film have I seen such marvelous, spectacular, astounding, astonishing acting on everyone's part. However, there is one whom shines. HAL 9000. Played by Douglas Rain, HAL 9000, the "computor" controlling the ship, is sinister, cruel, a perfectionist, would rather kill than be wrong, and more human than any crew member aboard. Doug plays HAL like the computor HAL is, delivering it to perfection.
Just to finish, 2001 is a film that will never be forgotten. But don't watch it if you are not up to being so confused you might as well be high.

Saturday 12 March 2011

The Oscars 2011

Okay, is it me, or did the Oscars do a great job this year? Well, ok, they did a good job, but not a great one. What I an just so happy about is that The King's Speech won Best Picture!
I didn't stay up late enough to watch the whole thing, but I went to bed happy after seeing The King's Speech win Best Original Screenplay. After then I missed what else it won. The next day, one couldn't imagine how happy I was when I was told that the King's Speech won Best Director (Tom Hooper), Best Actor (Colin Firth), and Best Picture. I literally jumped into the air and screamed with happiness. However, it happened to come as a shocking surprise that it won.
As many film-fans know, The King's Speech was almost in a death-battle with The Social Network for Best Picture. It seems like TKS (the kings speech) had been incredibly successful at the beginning (winning numerous Golden Globe awards) but then was faded out by the immense shadow of The Social Network. From then on, it seemed like TKS's chance of winning was becoming lesser and lesser - until it took home the most rewarding award a film can get.
And I think we all know that the films The Fighter, 127 Hours, Black Swan, Inception, The Kids Are All Right, and especially Toy Story 3 weren't going to win. The award was, from the start, between The Social Network and The King's Speech.
Since I have yet to see The Social Network, The King's Speech was my number one coice, but don't worry all you Social Network fanatics, I will see it soon, and my oppinion may change.

More of Me

So, I would just like to say that Blogger isn't my only means of Social Networking. I also happen to have a YouTube account and a Formspring account.
My YouTube account is in desperate need of views and subscribers, along with my videos. If you want to check it out, please go to and subscribe (if you have a YouTube account)! My videos there are mostly film montages, featured on this site. So far I have done montages for the films The Silence of the Lambs, Titanic, The Exorcist, and Schindler's List, and I'm planning on my next one to be The Shawshank Redemption or 2001: A Space Odyssey. If you have any suggestions, write a comment either on this post or my YouTube channel!
As for my Formspring account, feel free (if you already have made a Formspring account for yourself) to ask me questions, either about  the blog, about me, or anything that comes into your heads! If you are interested, go to, but please take note that if you do not have a Formspring account, you won't be able to view my profile.
Contiue being updated on my blog!

Best Films Ever #2 - Titanic

Hey all you Movie - Lovers that have stumbled onto my sit. This is another film montage - one of my favourite films ever, Titanic.
This film is about a first class girl and a third class boy, both on the ill-fated voyage of the Titanic, who fall in love, a very strong love. They want to be with eachother, but her fiance and the Titanic itself, have different plans.
This is a must watch. It doesn't matter that some people aren't into romances, because this film is an exception. Most will cry from watching it, with exceptions, but either way, this is a sad, depressing, romantic, historic, and above all, astounding film that won't be forgotten (thanks to the Academy Awards, proudly awarding Titanic with 11 awards including best picture).

Haterz Welcomee ;)

Thursday 10 March 2011

Best Films Ever #1 - The Silence of the Lambs

Such a good movie!
So, anyways, this is my first video post on my new blog, and I really appreciate it so don't ruin my pleasure. Please watch, and then of course the movie!

A psychopath known as Buffalo Bill is kidnapping and murdering young women across the Midwest. Believing it takes one to know one, the F.B.I. sends Agent Clarice Starling to interview a demented prisoner who may provide psychological insight and clues to the killer's actions. The prisoner is psychiatrist, Dr. Hannibal Lector, a brilliant, murderous cannibal who will only help Starling if she feeds his morbid curiosity with details about her own complicated life. This twisted relationship forces Starling not only to confront her psychological demons, but leads her to face with a demented, heinous killer, an incarceration of evil so powerful, that she may not have the courage -- or strength -- to stop him.

Disturbing, scary, fantastic, all of these are just some of the words to describe this film.

Saturday 5 March 2011


Hello all you Bloggers that have stumbled on to the early ages of my new blog. My name is Ryland (I ain't stating my last name) and this is a blog I have just recently created, titled "The Movie Club". What I will be posting here are shown in the following list:
-Movie Reviews
-Film Montages
-Movie Clips
-News on Films
-Film Lists
-Film Predictions
-Everything Film!
So ya, that is what you're going to be seeing here, unless some boring day when I decide to put something totally different. So, anyways, I hope you enjoy my blog and stay updated on my latest posts!