Monday 25 April 2011

Scream 4

Hello again.
Recently I took a trip to the movie theater. I originally wanted to see Insidious, but it wasn`t on at the right time. So I saw Scream 4, hoping to see an amazing close to an amazing series.
I was dissapointed severely.
Scream 1 was an amzing movie, to start. It had seriousness and scaryness that wasn`t found in Scream 4. It seemed like Scream 4 was just a spoof of Scream 1. It took the dread and horror and turned it into a bloody comedy. And some people may say that if Wes Craven was to change any concept in 4, it would have ruined the series, yet I dissagree. The tagline simply says, "New Decade. New Rules.", yet there really are no new rules. It is the same. Literally. I was personally looking for a little twist on the plot. Instead I got the same thing that was in the 1st, except turned wrong. I could tell whenever someone was about to die, and instead of supense I felt a feeling of bore. It was INCREDIBLY predictable.
And to make things more stupid, there is a scene at the beginning that has characters clearly stating what is wrong with most horror films today: lack of character development, predictability, lack of suspense, and bloody yet unintellegent plots. What makes me a little annoyed is how this film features all of those downsides to perfection. You don't feel in the slightest bit sad when a character dies a bloody death or even a little scared. Ugghh, and those stupid phone calls. They just lack the suspense and own the cheese that alot of horror movies today seem to have.  Again, it is the same thing as 1, but gone wrong.
The acting isn't very good, to start. Though characters like Courtney Cox's are strong and smart, same with Cambell's, the others you don't really have any feel for, or at least I didn't. They don't play their parts very well and, again,  take the seriousness of 1 and turn it...spoofy. Not good. Not good at all.
So, please, spare your movie tickets for something good and new, instead of a bad remake (really, its more a bad remake than a sequel). Wait until it is in the pre-viewed section of Blockbuster or when it is on Netflix, but even then, it is a total waste of money, and more importantly, time.

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